Franchise Brands plc Annual Report and Accounts 2018 67 Financial Statements Governance Strategic Report Group 2018 £’000 2017 Restated £’000 Trade receivables 9,971 7,693 Provision at the year end (268) (646) Other receivables 247 229 Total financial assets other than cash and cash equivalents 9,950 7,276 Contract assets 820 611 Prepayments 278 257 Total current trade and other receivables 11,048 8,144 2018 £’000 2017 Restated £’000 Bad debt provision: (646) Brought forward (204) Additions on acquisition – (231) Provision for the year (97) (415) Utilised 476 204 Carried forward (268) (646) 2018 £’000 2017 Restated £’000 The ageing of the trade receivables is as follows: 6,641 Due 5,305 Past due 1,070 0-30 days 757 31-60 days 627 374 61-90 days 392 267 91-120 days 423 344 121+ days 550 – Past due and impaired Due 18 189 0-30 days 14 3 31-60 days 19 75 61-90 days 10 50 91-120 days 133 93 121+ days 74 236 Total 9,971 7,693 Company 2018 £’000 2017 £’000 Amounts owed by Group undertakings 2,599 2,940 Other debtors 2 10 Prepayments 125 67 Social security and other taxes 134 195 Total current trade and other receivables 2,860 3,212 15 Trade and other payables Group 2018 £’000 2017 Restated £’000 Current 3,940 Trade payables 3,485 Accruals 3,302 2,280 Other creditors 535 271 Social security and other taxes 819 370 Total trade and other payables 8,596 6,406 Company Trade payables 39 21 Accruals 208 170 Total trade and other payables 247 191 Carrying values approximate to fair value. Included within other creditors is an amount of £98,000 (2017: £20,000) which represents the net payable in relation to the national advertising funds.